> 文章列表 > 春节期间在外面吃什么英语





During the Spring Festival, people often visit their relatives and friends to enjoy a wide variety of delicious foods. It is a time for bonding and indulging in culinary delights.


Today is the Spring Festival, and my family went to a restaurant to have our annual reunion dinner. The reunion dinner, also known as \"tuan nian fan\" in Chinese, is a special meal where family members gather to celebrate the new year.


What do people eat during the Spring Festival? The variety of delicacies served during this festive occasion is extensive. From dumplings and noodles to fish and chicken, the menu is filled with symbolic dishes that represent good luck and prosperity.


Every New Year\'s Eve, families come together to have a reunion dinner. This tradition is observed in many parts of China and signifies the importance of family unity and togetherness. To mark this auspicious occasion, fireworks are set off to ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune.


It is a Chinese custom to have tangyuan (glutinous rice balls) and jiaozi (dumplings) during the Spring Festival. These traditional dishes hold symbolic significance. Tangyuan symbolize family reunion and harmony, while jiaozi represent wealth and prosperity.


The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is a traditional festival celebrated by Chinese people. On this day, people engage in various activities such as visiting relatives, setting off fireworks, and watching the Spring Festival Gala, a popular TV program that showcases traditional performances and entertainment.


The most important festival in China is the Spring Festival. On this day, people put up spring couplets, lanterns, and decorations to usher in good luck and prosperity for the coming year. It is a time of celebration and joy, where traditions and customs are upheld with great enthusiasm.


During the Spring Festival, I enjoy eating dumplings, setting off fireworks, and watching the Spring Festival Gala. These activities are cherished traditions that add excitement and joy to the festive atmosphere.

英语怎么说在春节期间? - 懂得

During the Spring Festival, families gather to engage in various activities, such as playing cards, chatting, and watching TV. It is a time for relaxation and bonding, as people take a break from their regular routine to celebrate and enjoy each other\'s company.


The Chinese Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year, holds significant importance for the Chinese people. Now, let me tell you about my personal experience during this festive season.